What Does It Mean To Be Pro-Life?

A dear friend of mine wrote a recent article for Modern Reformation on what it means to be truly pro-life. I thought I was pro-life and yet I felt conviction after reading her words. It’s easy to check a few political boxes and attend a rally or two—it’s much harder to love real neighbors with our own hands, hearts, and homes. I hope that her words challenge and encourage you the way they did me.

Below are my favorite quotes from the piece and here is the full article.

"A truly pro-life church understands that brokenness is not just someone else’s undesired pregnancy.  It understands that brokenness pervades every facet of our lives and world; that everyone is equally broken but in different ways.  It obliges broken image bearers move toward other broken image bearers for the sake of mutual flourishing through all of life, to walk humbly and lovingly alongside brokenness from conception to death." - Bora Jin

"It is because of his love and care that we are free to obey the Scriptural admonition to care for the vulnerable, oppressed, and marginalized, and it is through that ordinary, humble obedience of his people, the body of Christ, ‘the fullness of him who fills all in all’ (Ephesians 1:23), and through which God reveals his manifold wisdom.” - Bora Jin

"As believers, we have an eternity of rest and mansion-living that awaits us in the New City.  Let’s not make our homes into castles where we fortify ourselves, but lower the drawbridge and use them as embassies and hospitals to serve the vulnerable and weak, the fatherless, the destitute, and the lonely." - Bora Jin