Eric J. Dolce

The God Who Walked in Our Shoes (or What a Refrigerator Door Taught Me About the Incarnation)

If I, being evil and having no righteousness of my own, know when and how to pray for my wife because I have stood in her place for 36 hours—how much more will the Perfect Man, Jesus of Nazareth intercede effectively on behalf of His Bride, the Church, knowing her struggle for 33 years (Matthew 7:9-11)!  We would not have this confidence if it were not for Jesus’ coming to be born of a woman, born under the law “for us men and for our salvation” (Galatians 4:4-5).

Why I Love My Husband

Why I Love My Husband

On August 2, 2008, I stood before God and witnesses and made a vow of love, honor and fidelity to Eric J. Dolce. I was certain of the LORD’s hand in the union. My husband and I marveled as a rainbow appeared over our reception. Indeed, God's promises for us in Christ have been “Yes and Amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20)!

Today marks seven years since that day. The years have passed quickly but my love for my husband has not.  In truth, I adore him now more than ever…and here’s why: