What does a complementarian household looks like? How does a husband’s godly leadership in the home lead to the flourishing of his wife and children? How is complementarity in the home is a gift to a wife? It’s an honor to chat about these questions with the hosts of Priscilla Talk, a 9Marks podcast. Click to LISTEN!
How to Develop & Teach a Bible Study Lesson
I’ve been listening to Christine Hoover’s By Faith podcast for years, so it was a joy to join her as a guest. We talked about teaching the Bible and how teachers can be equipped to make progress as Paul encourages in 1 Timothy 4:11-12 . I’ve always admired Christine’s excellent interviewing skills. She asked some GREAT questions that got us down to the basics of preparing for a talk (see some of her questions below).
I also had a chance to share a little about my coming book: The Seed of the Woman! I had a blast chatting with Christine and hope that joy encourages you as you listen to our conversation today!
Some of Christine’s excellent questions!
Let's start with the heart. Teachers must approach their study and teaching with the right motivation and goal. What is that? How have you wrestled with that?
What about insecurity? How do you navigate insecurity and/or the idea of not having anything worthwhile to say?
Can you then take us through your process of studying? How do you study in preparation to teach?
How can we begin to formulate an outline or manuscript?
What process do you go through to finalize your talk? How do you know it's "done"?
What are some skills we should consider as important for the actual presentation of the talk?
Finally, how can we respond when there is 1) no feedback and we think we bombed 2) someone says they appreciated it and we recognize pride rising in our hearts?