
The Gift of Complementarity

The Gift of Complementarity

What does a complementarian household looks like? How does a husband’s godly leadership in the home lead to the flourishing of his wife and children? How is complementarity in the home is a gift to a wife? It’s an honor to chat about these questions with the hosts of Priscilla Talk, a 9Marks podcast. Click to LISTEN!

How to Develop & Teach a Bible Study Lesson

I’ve been listening to Christine Hoover’s By Faith podcast for years, so it was a joy to join her as a guest. We talked about teaching the Bible and how teachers can be equipped to make progress as Paul encourages in 1 Timothy 4:11-12 . I’ve always admired Christine’s excellent interviewing skills. She asked some GREAT questions that got us down to the basics of preparing for a talk (see some of her questions below).

I also had a chance to share a little about my coming book: The Seed of the Woman! I had a blast chatting with Christine and hope that joy encourages you as you listen to our conversation today!

Some of Christine’s excellent questions!

  • Let's start with the heart. Teachers must approach their study and teaching with the right motivation and goal. What is that? How have you wrestled with that?

  • What about insecurity? How do you navigate insecurity and/or the idea of not having anything worthwhile to say?

  • Can you then take us through your process of studying? How do you study in preparation to teach?

  • How can we begin to formulate an outline or manuscript?

  • What process do you go through to finalize your talk? How do you know it's "done"?

  • What are some skills we should consider as important for the actual presentation of the talk?

  • Finally, how can we respond when there is 1) no feedback and we think we bombed 2) someone says they appreciated it and we recognize pride rising in our hearts?