Book Review

A Tale of Two Kings: A Conversation with Gloria Furman

A Tale of Two Kings: A Conversation with Gloria Furman

Gloria Furman’s book is a gift to families. It reminds kids (and their parents) that the Bible is one book from beginning to end. It’s a story told by one divine Author on one central subject: God’s redemption of sinners through the person and work of Jesus Christ. And this Jesus is the King our families need!

I’m thankful to chat with Gloria Furman today about her helpful book. I hope you are encouraged by her words here and in A Tale of Two Kings.

God Is Better Than Princesses: A Conversation with Sarah Reju

God Is Better Than Princesses: A Conversation with Sarah Reju

“Jesus is Lord over all of creation, even the princess stories and toys we enjoy. We should receive those things as good gifts from a good and loving God. At the same time, those good gifts should point us back to God to worship and serve him. Our culture would have us worship and serve the princess, and try to make our lives look more like the princess’ life. Jesus calls us to something so much better—loving and worshipping and serving him, so our lives come to look more and more like Jesus. So, my desire is that little ones learn to glorify God, even as they enjoy and play with his good gifts. “ - Sarah Reju

Teaching Children About Marriage: A Conversation with Jani Ortlund

Teaching Children About Marriage: A Conversation with Jani Ortlund

“Children naturally have questions about marriage, real questions that deserve honest answers.  In our culture, children are surrounded by confusing messages and experiences about gender, romance, and marriage. I found it hard to find resources to help the little ones in my life begin to understand these glorious, but complex issues.  I wanted their earliest understanding of marriage to begin with confidence that marriage between one man and one woman for all of life is God’s very good idea and He can be trusted.” - Jani Ortlund 

What Happens When Women Walk in Faith: Book Review

What Happens When Women Walk in Faith: Book Review

My two young daughters discovered glow sticks a few years ago. Bendable gleaming rods you can wear as bracelets became the craze in our home and an addition to our nighttime routine. My daughters would go to bed with a glow stick around their wrists but would wake up to find the light long gone. In many ways, Lysa TerKeurst’s What Happens When Women Walk in Faith reminds me of those glow sticks.