Jesus Gives Siblings as Gifts

Have you ever considered how sibling relationships begin in the Bible? Things get terrible pretty quickly. The first act of domestic violence and murder involves brothers (Gen 4). But Cain and Abel's strife isn't the only example we find in Genesis. In fact, whenever Moses tells the story of siblings, we meet trouble: remember Jacob and Esau, Rachel and Leah, Joseph and his brothers? The brokenness that began in the garden slithers into sibling relationships as the story of the Bible unfolds. 

Still, strained sibling relationships aren't restricted to the Old Testament. We find this dynamic in the Gospels – in Jesus' own story. Jesus didn't have the loving support of his siblings while on earth. According to Mark 3:21, his brothers saw him as crazy, a man out of his mind. John 7:5 puts the matter starkly: “For not even his brothers believed in him.” That verse carries a touch of sadness for me. Family rejection can stir our loneliness like none other. If you've known this feeling, then think of this: Jesus can relate.

What a unique savior we have in the Lord Jesus –  “one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet without sin” (Hebrews 4:15). Jesus sympathizes with us in our pain – and yet he offers more than his sympathy. Jesus is making all things new, this includes our relationships with brothers and sisters

Jesus redefines what true siblinghood means. First, he calls himself our brother (Mark 3:31-35), then he builds a church filled with strangers who are made family in him. People who are only children are given brothers and sisters through the church, and biological siblings are enabled to love each other beyond their familial ties. There's no savior like Jesus! Sibling relationships may begin badly in the Bible, but Jesus came to make his blessings flow as far as the curse is found. May he help our natural families to flourish in unity and may he fill his churches with brothers and sisters who love each other as gifts from him. Amen.