Photo by Gabriele Diwald on Unsplash
[UPDATE] Please pray for families touched by the devastating wind and rains of Hurricane Harvey. The Lord on high is mighty and He hears prayer!
The floods have lifted up, O LORD, the floods have lifted up their voice; the floods lift up their roaring. Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the LORD on high is mighty! Psalm 93:3-4
My husband and I have termed this season, “The Summer of Rain.” Those reading from the Washington DC area will testify to the frequent torrential downpours this summer. The Washington Post calls it a “strange event” and it’s certainly been that for our family.
Unfortunately for us, DC’s successive storms exposed tree roots in sewage pipes connected to our home. Summer rain can be beautiful, but not when it’s in your living room. This year’s torrential pours have brought unusual things to our family, I’ll name a few: 1) “interesting objects” from the sewer, 2) an unplanned exit from our home (resulting in 16 days of temporary relocation in several places), and 3) the temptation to grow anxious. As our family moved around, we were met with other kinds of storms. Phone calls came bringing news of unexpected death and illness in our extended family. Indeed, this has been The Summer of Rain.
The sermon on Sunday evening was on a passage from the book of Job. I’ll say here that I will not compare the mountain of Job’s affliction to the stone of my family’s stress. Our situation has been unpleasant but when seen in light of the daily hardships suffered by Christians across the world, ours is mostly an American inconvenience.
Sunday’s sermon--preached by a dear brother--emphasized that, amid the pain, Job’s hope rested ultimately in his salvation and in the resurrection to come (Job 14:14; 19:25). Our sewage line is fixed, the house is sanitized, and I write this from the comfort of my own bed. We are home again, but our temporary displacement served to remind us that we are strangers and exiles destined for a better country (Hebrews 11:13). In seasons of rain and in sunshine, let our hope rest in our salvation and in the resurrection to come.
Our thanks to the many brothers and sisters who “rained” love on us these past few weeks. We are grateful! And thank you for reading! Good News Friday is a weekly blog series that reminds us of the sufficiency of Scripture for our instruction and encouragement. Click HERE for more good news and HERE for the Greatest News ever!