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Sisters, I’m excited to begin a new series at Motherhood and Sanctity. I’m calling it Good News Friday! My hope is to release a short post on Fridays, about 300 words, that bursts with the good news of God’s Word, work and faithfulness.
The idea for the series comes from writer, Gloria Furman. I had a chance to hear Gloria teach on the book of Ephesians (find the lecture here). In her talk, she mentions how she surrounds herself with friends whose job is to “give her good news.” When anxious, worried, complacent, or even joyous, whatever the state of mind, there are people in her life who graciously offer her the good news of God’s Word.
That is a gift! My pray is for a community of women in my own life, full of God’s Word and eager to share it with hope and joy. Motherhood and Sanctity is a poor substitute for a flesh and blood community; nevertheless, since it exists to challenge and encourage, let it burst with the good news of our God!
Below, is the first installment of Good News Friday. Take it in and be encouraged. God is strong!
This past week was a difficult one for my family. There was an unexpected death in our extended family, the circumstances of which left us praying for God’s wisdom, grace and power. Amid the emotions, I heard a sermon on Isaiah 54 that reminded me that our God is the Lord of Hosts, or the Lord of Armies (Isaiah 54:5).
The title Lord of Armies is first seen in 1 Samuel 1:11 and it comes to us from the prayer of barren Hannah as she pleads to God for a child. In her desolation, Hannah cries out to the God who rules and orders all earthly and heavenly powers--the Lord of Armies! In Isaiah 54:1-5, the prophet speaks to a desolate Judah, made barren by exile. Like Hannah, he admonishes God’s covenant people to remember that their maker is the God of the whole earth, the Lord of Armies who can give children to the barren.
If you are in Christ today and, like me, are tempted by unexpected and difficult circumstances, please receive this good news: Jesus Christ is "the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For everything was created by him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and by him all things hold together" (Colossians 1:15-17). Sister, remember that your Redeemer is the God of the whole earth, the Lord of Armies--what is too difficult for Him?