If you’re Hungry to Consume the Word, God is Gracious to Feed

I believed myself a Christian long before I was. I grew up attending church, affirming the existence of God, and even praying to the Lord Jesus but there was nothing much beyond this. I had no affection for Christ: no true worship; no fervency in prayer; no hunger for His Word.

Was I wild and unruly? Not at all. I was motivated to do well in school and so made straight A’s. I was eager to please at home and so assisted in the care of younger siblings. I enjoyed simple contemplation and so read volumes of Jane Austen in quiet corners. I was even made an example by some as a good girl – but saved I was not.

Salvation would come in the summer of 2001. I was a rising sophomore in college. Knees bent in the middle of my room and tears streaming down my face, I confessed to God my inability to obey His commandments and plead for His mercy and strength to overcome sin.

I was awakened to the realization that my “determined willpower” could never produce a righteousness that pleased God. I was a desperate sinner in need of a merciful and mighty Savior to rescue me from the grip of sin – The LORD picked me up from the floor that day and He has held me since.

And the strong hand that holds me also molds me ever anew. One of the first things to emerge that summer was an instant and stunning appetite for God’s Word. I couldn't get enough of it. I would return from class determined to get through my assignments so as to make room for the uninterrupted study of Scripture.

I searched for a good study Bible and would read large portions at a time, examining the notes, writing out thoughts, all the while praying for increased understanding – I was hungry to consume and the Lord was gracious to feed.

These memories bubble up as I consider Crossway Publisher’s 31-day mission to equip women for transformative Bible study. I have been encouraged by the campaign, which includes daily devotions, articles, and video interviews. I was particularly struck by the video interview with singer and songwriter, Kristyn Getty. In the clip, she shares her father’s tip for reading the Bible in chunks (studying chapters or books at a time) so as to understand the big picture.

I’m grateful to the Lord who graciously spurred me on to read the Bible in continuous sections in those early days. My understanding of Scripture and Christian growth were greatly helped. Since then, I have experienced seasons of inconsistency in Bible reading. Yet there remains an ever relentless call back to that joyous task – the command to present myself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, but can rightly handle the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

So ladies, let’s read our Bibles. And let’s read it in chunks! Why? Because Scripture interprets Scripture. God's redemption of sinners through the Person and work of Christ Jesus does not appear suddenly in one section but the entire Bible is the unveiling of that good news. So the more sections you string together in your reading, the more you see the big picture and the more you understand the big picture, the clearer the sections become. So start stringing ladies, and be sanctified by the garland of grace that unfolds to adorn your life.