The Greatest Adoption Story Ever Told

The Greatest Adoption Story Ever Told

There is a story told of a man whose teenage son was brutally murdered by another boy – a member of a gang. Unfortunately, this part of the story is nothing new, a gang related shooting is no surprise to the ear. What happens next however will not only stun the ear but also blow the mind! The father of the murdered boy pays the associated fees of the case and adopts his son’s killer as his own! Kirk Cameron, in the Biggest Question, recounts the tale here as he describes a meeting with this father and his adopted son!

Choose Christ over Willpower in Temptation

Choose Christ over Willpower in Temptation

We have all tasted temptation. For the Christian, temptation is both a pre- and post-regeneration reality. James, writing to Jewish believers, states: “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am being tempted by God,’ for God cannot be tempted with evil, and He Himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death” (James 1:13-15).

Eve and her Pain and Hope East of Eden

Eve and her Pain and Hope East of Eden

This woman—who had obeyed the voice of the cunning snake—deserved nothing but death. Yet there she was, alive and producing life. Eve knew that her child was God-wrought and not the product of her own strength or merit. She called her son Cain. The name sounds like the Hebrew word for “gotten.”1 God had given her offspring—would this one be the serpent-crusher she longed for?

I've Decided to Choose my Kids over Facebook

I've Decided to Choose my Kids over Facebook

I have decided to choose my kids over Facebook. In reality the choice isn't just about Facebook but the many trivial distractions that take my focus away from my children. Picture the scene for a moment – it might be familiar to you – I’m sitting in the playroom of our home, my soon-to-be three-year-old is playing with her kitchen set and my seven-month-old is chewing on some toy nearby.  I’m physically present with them but my attention is given to the 12 inch computer screen in front of me.

Teach Them When You Sit

Teach Them When You Sit

I love the book of Deuteronomy. Not necessarily for its copious detail but for the concept behind the book. Deuteronomy is essentially one big study hall. Moses is the teacher and the children of Israel are the students. The wilderness east of the Jordan River is their classroom. And there they assemble to review God’s expectation of them before conquering the Promised Land.

Run to Win - Christ is the Prize!

Run to Win - Christ is the Prize!

I begin this post with a little self-disclosure: I don’t know how to run! What do I mean? Let’s just say, if you saw me running, you would understand perfectly well what I mean. To be specific, I was never taught (or perhaps I failed to learn) how to properly bend my knees when running. The result is a stride that slightly resembles a duck.

God's Love is Greater than a Mother's

God's Love is Greater than a Mother's

My expression of love for my daughter – while there might be some parallel – is minuscule when compared with God’s love for His children. The scale is simply not the same. As much as I love my daughter, I fail, I tire, and I even give up. But God is God! He never sleeps nor slumbers (Psalm 121:4) nor lacks for anything. He is perfect in His power and perfect in His love for and commitment to His own. Psalm 103:11 states: “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His steadfast love toward those who fear Him.